Experts in self sustainably living come do workshops
Experts of up to 55 years experience come teach workshops like our dear friend "Farmer Grant" Holdaway owner of Vineyard Nursery & Grafter of National Assoc. of Orchards Cary Lewis, Thermmal Greenhouse builder & 60+ year Nursery expert Richard Wood, PDC & 30 yr expd landscaper & water system designer Joshua Pendleton & more.
Experts in self sustainably living come do eorkshops
Familes come from Vernal, Hurricane & Brigham City.
Seed and Start exchanges
Learn how to grow healthy soil nature's way
Hands on Classes for entire family
Master Herbalists come teach how to use herbs
Edible Forest Design
54 varieties of fruit & nut trees
30 varieties of Perennial berry bushes in our demonstration classroom gardens